With the success of the Modern Warfare series of games, which are First-Person Shooters, a lot of sandbox games such as GTA and Just Cause don't get the recognition they deserve. A sandbox game usually consists of a very large playing area, and a general story that doesn't have to be followed. So essentially you can just run around doing what you want when you want. This is one of the more appealing aspects of Just Cause 2.
There are two sides to this game. First side is the shooting, which unlike an FPS its third person. This makes the gun fights less realistic and less accurate. You could be having a gun fight with ten enemies shooting at you, and your life will last quite a while, so realism has gone right out the window with this game. Thats not too much of a problem though because sandbox games don't have to be realistic.
The second side to this game is that size of the world and the amount you can do in it. The vehicles in the game range from different types of cars, bikes, planes and even helicopters. This diversity in vehicles allows for a varied game experience. Some people would rather go around the whole island on top of a car, whereas some prefer to fly from A to B, and then parachute (or even free fall) out. A major addition to this game that the first didn't have is the grappling hook. This doesn't just allow you to get to places quickly, but you can dual hook objects. This means that if you need to destroy a statue, you just attach it to your car then drive away to pull it down. Now of course you can use it for less moral uses, such as dragging a person around behind your car, or attaching two people together so they fly towards each other. Grim stuff, but very fun indeed.
On the whole, the story is very easy going, missions aren't too difficult but very fun. But most of all the extensive content and possibilities within the world of Just Cause 2 seem endless. Definitely worth a purchase.
Thanks for the review